The impact platform for sustainable business and investment

Good Circle connects companies, investors and impact  experts on the same platform, with the same goal : long term Impact and business value.

Get in touch

Create long term impact and business value through sustainability

Easily run impact diagnostics and reports

Easily collect ESG data thanks to our innovative technology, generate impact diagnostics and reports aligned with International frameworks

Take impact actions and see the returns

Get a personalized action plan based on tangible solutions and better access talents, funding and growth opportunities.

Connect with a community of like minded leaders

Join a community of companies and investors engaged in a positive impact strategy.

Aligned with most international ESG frameworks

A sustainability platform for visionary organizations.

A collaborative platform to navigate your sustainability journey


Manage sustainability risks & opportunities of your portfolio, generate reports and benchmark your investments.

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Manage and leverage your strategy in 3 easy steps and engage with like-minded entrepreneurs and investors.

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Impact experts

Join our ecosystem of impact experts and use Good Circle to improve your services.

Carbon emissions - Scope 1
3.5 / 5
4.5 / 5
2.0 / 5
3.5 / 5
Impact Score
8.5 / 10
Governance action plan
+ 200 Expert
+47 Expert
+16 Expert

Better business, better world

Stay in the race by putting sustainability at the heart of business success and enter into a positive circle


of investors consider sustainability criteria in their investment decisions.

Source : Gartner, The ESG imperative, 2021

of companies are aware of the need to become socially responsible but only 30% have initiated an action plan .

Source : Deloitte HR trends 2021

of employees feel demotivated by the lack of action of their company regarding People and Planet Issues.

Source : Kantar / Imagreen, nov 2022

Our vision of impact

Successive crises and societal changes are challenging the business model of companies that have no choice but to transform themselves. We believe in sustainable economy, allowing companies to be resilient, and thus maintain profitability and licence to operate in the long-term.

Let’s enter together the #positiveeconomy !

What they say about us

"Today, there are many possibilities to carry out extremely complete diagnoses, but they have weaknesses: - Not taking into account the specificities of the company's size, sectors, products and services. - Not able to consolidate all existing impact & sustainability reference frameworks. The Good Circle value proposition is therefore a useful tool for consultant firms."

There is value for portfolio companies and the Fund if we can go beyond a purely regulatory exercise of collecting ESG data and reward companies for their efforts. This will put them on a positive trajectory to access better financing conditions, to recruit engaged people, and to improve their brand image. And it will improve the ESG performance of the Fund.

The technology alone cannot fully meet the strategic objectives of a company. There is a need for human intervention, supported by tools and services available on the Good Circle platform.